
Welcome To freewebstore StoreBuilder

About StoreBuilder

StoreBuilder is a Web Application primarily aimed at Web Design Professionals. StoreBuilder gives full access to the freewebstore templating system, allowing you to create customisable designs for a fully functional E-Commerce store.

You can get started straight away by Signing Up, we only need a couple of details from you. All you'll need is a good knowledge of HTML and CSS, and a basic understanding of XML and XHTML conventions.

When you Sign Up, we'll automatically create a store on the freewebstore platform for you to play with. If you're doing work for an existing client, you can easily add their store to your account by requesting their ClientID and API Key.


All you need is your existing web design knowledge, a modern web browser, a StoreBuilder Account, and you're good to go !

We provide a web based IDE based on the Ace Code Editor, which will take care of all the technical background stuff, CSS Versioning, Caching, etc associated with our platform, so you can just focus on creating spectacular designs for your clients.

Documentation is included once you sign in, but if you get stuck after reading that, just Contact our dedicated team and we'll be more than happy to try to assist you.

Get Started Now !

Contact the StoreBuilder Team

Feel free to email us to provide some feedback on the StoreBuilder system, ask for help, or suggest some improvements. We'd love to hear from you !